In this engaging and dynamic podcast episode, our charismatic host Brian sits down with the talented Ian and Jeff, two of the driving forces behind the rock sensation American Jetset. The conversation kicks off with an explor...
In this in-depth podcast episode, Stefan, the charismatic frontman of the indie rock band Kensington Road, delves into a rich conversation about their latest captivating single, "Flowers in Japan." He explores the song's nuan...
In this captivating installment of "Concerts That Made Us," we're thrilled to welcome a very special guest, Tim King, the bassist of the renowned rock band Soil and Director of A&R at Pavement Entertainment. Our host, Brian, ...
In this captivating episode of "Concerts That Made Us," our enthusiastic host Brian sits down with the talented Murielle from The Great Alone. They dive deep into a discussion about The Great Alone's debut album "Perception."...
In this engaging episode of the podcast, host Brian sits down with Dan Cleary, the charismatic lead singer of the renowned heavy metal band Striker. They dive into an in-depth discussion about Striker's latest electrifying si...
In this in-depth podcast episode, the enigmatic host Brian sits down with Steve Creep from Steve Creep and The Wildcards to delve into the intricacies of a life dedicated to the art of sound. Steve, a passionate artist with y...
In this engaging podcast episode, Brian warmly welcomes the dynamic duo Matt and Andrew from The Govt, diving into an in-depth conversation about their intriguing debut album titled "Friendly Neighborhood Conspiracies." The d...
In this in-depth podcast episode, Brian sits down with the charismatic John Battersby and his talented bandmates, Marc Klein and Tristan Bell from The John Battersby Band, to explore the intricate tapestry of their musical jo...
In this in-depth podcast episode, Vincent and Steve from Realation return to share the intricacies of their upcoming EP titled "Revealed." This release signifies a bold shift in their musical journey, showcasing a sound that ...
In this engaging episode of "Concerts That Made Us," Brian sits down with the talented Sebastien Marois, a key member of the up-and-coming rock sensation Late Night Trouble. They dive deep into a conversation about the band's...
In this engaging podcast episode, listeners are treated to an in-depth conversation with Glenn and Jason, the talented members of the band Palooka. The duo dives into the exciting details surrounding their highly anticipated ...
In this captivating podcast episode, Brian welcomes Tristan Carroll, the talented and passionate member of the Irish Nu-Metal band Cell Games . With his charismatic and engaging demeanor, Tristan delves into a plethora of exc...
In this captivating episode of "Concerts That Made Us", the Brian welcomes the incredibly talented Dave and Annamaria, from the renowned band Vajra. As the conversation unfolds, the listeners are treated to an in-depth explor...
In this captivating podcast episode, Brian sits down with the incredibly talented Farah Naz, the powerhouse vocalist of the renowned band Fading Nemesis. Together, they embark on a deep dive into the band's latest project, a ...
In this podcast episode, host Brian welcomes Ryan and Greg from the band On Display. The episode revolves around their track "Stuck", their songwriting and recording process, and the formation of their band. Ryan and Greg sha...