Ruff Majik - Electric Ram - European Tour
On this episode Johni Holiday stops by again to share details on Ruff Majik's new album "Electric Ram" releasing on April 28th and the European Tour they are embarking on in August and October.
‘Elektrik Ram’, the latest album from South Africa’s megalithic Ruff Majik, is the kind of audio palate cleanser that we all yearn for from time to time. Kicking the vibe back to a sepia-toned era where bell-bottoms and fuzzed-out bass were de rigueur, the ‘Majik lads take a well-known template and drench it with their unique attitude and stoner-esque sensibilities.
Ruff Majik will be playing festivals and venues across Europe including Blue Moon Festival, Trafostation 61 Festival and Riffields. Stay tuned to their social media to stay up to date on further announcements.
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Welcome to the podcast, Concerts That Made Us Interviews and stories, Tales from the bus We love taking you back, to when it all went down The greatest live shows and the cheering crowd sound It's Concerts, Concerts That Made Us
Johni: Here's Johni, again, and you're listening to Concerts That Made Us. I forgot to say Ruff Magic, but whatever, you get the point.
Brian: Johnny, welcome back. It's an absolute pleasure now to be speaking to you again.
Johni: Thanks for having me. It's always a pleasure.
Brian: How have things been since we last spoke? All good, I hope.
Johni: Yeah, it's been going pretty well. I'm in a very rare, very good mood currently. So it's fantastic. It's going as well as it could be going.
Brian: I caught you at the right time. So you guys are releasing the album, Electric Ram tomorrow. How does it feel for people to finally be hearing it?
Johni: I'm excited so far. For a little while, I was thinking it's going to be weird. Like people are going to have, are going to be weird about it. That's what I expected. Um, but we've gotten some reviews in so far, you know, just ahead of time, a lot of places, you know, it's just how the review cycle works sometimes. Um, and they've all been super positive. So now I'm in, you know, I'm in that mode of, yeah, it's going to be smashing. You know?
Brian: Yeah, yeah, I getcha. I getcha. Now, when we last spoke, you had just released She's Still a God, which was a love song for your wife. Now, listening to the album, I kind of picked up on a couple of things. Would I be right in saying Queen of the Gorgons goes hand in hand with it as a love song to her as well?
Johni: That is entirely correct. Yes. It's one of the other love songs. Well, I guess there's like three love songs on the album, each from different perspectives, but yes, Queen of the Gorgons is one of them. Definitely.
Brian: I thought so. I thought so. There was a few lines that stuck out that I was like, yeah, that's definitely for the wife and the, uh, the album is full. Now this is something I really enjoyed. It's full of little Easter eggs for horror film fans, classic horror specifically, and you also kind of have something in common with Michael Jackson now as well with having a certain voice appear on your songs. Would you like to tell us a bit more about it?
Johni: So, um, I just really love, um, old school horror, uh, all horror, horror actually, it's like a, um, I grew up watching horror. I had this aspect, someone else about this as well, where I think the first time I watched John Carpenter's Halloween, I was maybe seven and that was my mom was like, yeah, you should watch this. This is, you know, and I was like, that is going to do wonders for my psychology later on in life. But it was fun because my love for horror grew from there, you know, and anything that's like either really gruesome or just really entertaining and I really love movies by that company A24, I'm sure you know them, they do like The Witch and Hereditary and those kind of things. But I also really love just like classics, you know? And then I was, the one night I was chilling at home and watching The House on Haunted Hill. A comfort movie type situation. I was watching that. Um, and then Vincent Price just had so many good lines in that movie. And I was like, it would be fantastic if this was in public domain because, you know, then you'd have Vincent price to use on a record and then I, you know, I looked it up and I was like, Oh, it is in public domain. Fantastic. Let's get it. Worked out well. Yeah. And it just, you know, um, It just weirdly worked out like going through the clips on the movie or whatever, where they just ended up, you know, kind of describing what certain songs are about and stuff like that. So that was quite sick.
Brian: Yeah. I have to ask, did you ever see the remake of House on Haunted Hill?
Johni: I did.
Brian: And what did you think?
Johni: Look, I watched it. I'll probably watch any movie that's made, but yeah, it wasn't, I mean, it's hard to beat something that has been some price in it, I guess, but they didn't try very hard, I feel.
Brian: I feel like the best thing about that film was the soundtrack, specifically Sweet Dreams by Marilyn Manson.
Johni: Yeah, which is sick. That's fine. I mean, that's cool. But at the same time, you know, can't beat the classics. Yeah, exactly, exactly.
Brian: And speaking with voices, keeping with that theme now, there's another song that I can't not mention. Delirium Tremors. The intro to that absolutely cracked me up. I mean, I was listening to it and when it ended, I was like, I want more. I need more of this. It was just perfect and just such comedic genius.
Johni: So that's actually a good friend of mine. That's, that's just a voice note, you know? So what happened was, um, I sent him through the, um, intro rift to the song. The song hadn't been completed yet. I was just like, working on this thing. I was like, I'm not sure if I'm going in the right direction here. You know, just have a listen. There's a guy called Paul Joya. He's a fantastic musician in his own rights as well and used to be part of some legendary South African punk bands. Well, I mean, he still is. He plays for a band now called ATFN or All This For Nothing. They've been going for a long time and he also used to be part of a band called The Slash Dog. They're both bands that I really respect, you know, and it's good music. And like when I was in high school, they were hitting the scene hard. So I was, you know, very influenced by that kind of vibe. So I sent him like the intro and I was like, would you, would you check this out? You know, tell me what you think about it. And within like three minutes, he had sent me back that voice note, like one take, no, no planning. Nothing. Just off the call. What he was doing at the time, you know, he just, he sent the voice note and I probably spent a good three weeks laughing at that voice note myself. And then the end I was like, no, it has to be, it has to become part of the album.
Brian: That's crazy. Especially that it wasn't planned or anything. I take it.
Johni: He didn't even know. That was just off the top of his head, but also that's the kind of guy is, you know, it's one of the funniest people I know. And, you know, very adept at doing hilarious skits. So yeah, that's how it went down.
Brian: I take it he's not like some 70 year old British aristocrat or anything like he sounds in the voice note.
Johni: No, not at all. He's like Italian, South African, you know, so. Complete opposite.
Brian: I've been listening to it now ever since Warren sent it over to me and I've been trying my hardest to pick out my favourite tracks. And, you know, I'll settle on one I'll be like, this is it. this has to be my favorite. Then the next one just blows me away even harder, you know? And it almost feels like a kind of a frantic kind of journey. You know, one song is kind of up, the next song is down a bit, you know? And it has pretty dark imagery as well, but at the same time, it makes you feel good when you're listening to it, which is kind of a contradiction. But where did the inspiration for it come from?
Brian: Well, it's a dark story but it's easy enough to explain. So the inspiration was that I had a mental breakdown, like 100%, and I had to go to a facility for a little while to get me sorted out. Yeah, and it was happening as we were working on the album, and recording towards it and making it happen. And there weren't lyrics for it yet. We only had music for a lot of songs. Some songs didn't even have music yet. I guess it became like a character sketch of like my own mental problems and also all of the other people I met when I was in the mental health facility, which is I'm trying my best not to say looney bin. But I mean, I feel like I'm allowed to, but I don't want to. Yeah, but I don't want to, you know, cheapen it in that way, I guess. But yeah, so I met some interesting folks who had you know, it was a massive range of different problems and things going on with people. And I was also sort of going through the motions. So a lot of it was character sketches of other people. But then, you know, listening back to it or writing it, I realized, you know, there's some similarities or I'm writing from my own perspective and adding some of what's happening to me as well. So I guess that's kind of how it went down, you know, was inspired by something essentially really dark, but that's why it goes up and down and up and down because, you know, that's the nature of mental health. Sometimes everything's fantastic, then other days, it's absolutely horrible. You know? Um, and that's how it works.
Brian: Geez. And was there, was there any doubt about the album or even about the band while you were, you were inside?
Johni: A little bit. Yeah. Um, I mean, so we released the Devil's Castle in 2020 and the plan was to do a follow-up album with music and everything exactly a year later in 2021. So now we're in 2023, obviously some time had passed and a lot of things had happened. So it was a little bit in between where things weren't sitting entirely right. So there was, you know, a lot of infighting between us and the band as well, which is not like everyone that's contributed and is part of the band or was part of the band, whatever, we're all mates again now. But for a little while people were a bit fed up, you know, which is understandable. I mean, I don't know if you've ever dealt with somebody who's completely lost their mind, but it's not a fun time.
Brian: I wouldn't think so, no.
Johni:Yeah, but we're all good now, stronger as a unit, everything's working fine. But there was, yeah, I'd say there was a little bit of doubt for a little while. Everyone was a bit concerned that, you know, that's it. But yeah, we came out on the other side and, you know?
Brian: Obviously with something like that, your own personal thought process wouldn't be what it should be. What sort of thoughts were you having about the music and the album then or was that even on your mind during that time?
Johni: It's always on my mind. There was a lot of it's a weird combination of things. And again, like I said, I think that's the nature of, you know, mental crisis and some of the times I would be listening to a song and I'd be like, this is a god damn hit. Um, we're going to become billionaires, you know? And then the next day I listened to it back and I'm like, I fucking hate this. This is the worst thing I've ever made. We should fucking throw it in the trash. So there's a constant cycle of that. That was happening. Um, honestly, up until maybe four months ago, I was still in the motion of like, should we put this out? I don't know. Maybe we shouldn't. Um, luckily everyone who helped. Everybody who was working on the album convinced me that, yeah, no, no, no, we definitely need to put out a album. So let's work towards it. Um, yeah, it's a weird thing. Um, because you, um, you can't be objective, uh, when you're in that mental state, you just have no clue of what's going on technically. So, um, but luckily, uh, I have a strong team behind me in terms of like band members and the guys from the label like Warren, you know, and my wife, so that just helped guide it to completion and to the right direction.
Brian: There's another thing I was wanting talking about was there's a lot of fun, weird sounds specifically to track a song about drugs. I picked up on that. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm hearing it funny or something, but it's almost like you're listening to something in reverse in the background of the song. How and where do you come up with the ideas for all these weird little sounds that you wouldn't normally hear in songs?
Johni: Oh, there was a, I think a lot of that was also due to being a bit weird at the time, but there's just a bunch of stuff that I wanted to hear in specific stuff. I had this conversation with someone else as well in delirium chambers. There's a really annoying triangle That triangle there and I'm like no it's supposed to be there because it's a song about delirium You have to feel like you're going mad a little bit You know so it's that kind of thing and the same thing with the song about drugs is It felt incomplete if there wasn't something weird happening in the background So you kind of feel like you're tripping a bit, you know, not in tired the whole time you do It's just slightly unsettling I think and there is a weird, uh, reversed thing in the background, but I won't say what it is.
Brian: So up to the listeners, try figure it out So?
Johni: Yeah, I don't think anyone will be able to, but it's just gonna, you know, it's gonna be a fun Easter egg forever.
Brian: I'm actually quite proud of myself now for actually picking up on that. I thought I was losing my mind myself when I was hearing it. I was like, that's not really in that track, my speakers are broke or something.
No, no, no no, no, it's really there. But that's ideal. That's what I want people to feel when they're listening to albums. Like, am I hearing these things? Is that really happening?
Brian: The last time we spoke, you said that you're already working on new music. How are you approaching that then now, since everything that happened with this album, you're obviously better now? Is the approach much different?
Johni:Yeah, well, I mean, it's probably not going to be as intently about mental health issues this time around, but so far we're just on the music right now, not going into lyrical and whatnot. And it's been a really fun process with the guys in the band. We've got like three tracks actually mostly completed at this point, just with no vocals on them. And it's taken, you know, it's weird. So we've gone into this thing now with our sound, I think that, um, after Electric Ram, it feels like we can just do whatever the fuck we want. And that's great. That's, you know, I love that idea. So now we currently have like a super intense proggy tune, which is, you know, somewhere between mastodon and the Mars Volta. Um, and usually I didn't feel like that would fit to a rough magic thing, but now I'm like, yeah, of course it does. It just, you know, it slides right in. And then we've got a really, really heavy, but also really poppy tune and that, you know, they just also slide in together. And then another just random psychedelic thing. So that's, that's quite fun. Just right now we're full on open to experimentation, whatever, as long as the songs are tight and, you know, catchy and have the, you know, and the guitars are sounding mean and in your face and then I don't care. It can be anything, you know, we might release a funk song at some point. I'd be keen. We'll see how it goes. But yeah, so that's kind of what's happening. I'm not sure what it's going to be yet. We might just release a couple of singles. We might be going into recording a new full album, might be EPs. Not sure. But there's no rules at the moment. It's just creating right now, which is quite fun.
Brian: That's one thing I love about you guys as well, is that, you know, you can, there's almost like an expected weirdness. You guys could release an album that each song is a completely different genre and I'm sure people would love it like you start off with like stoner rock and end with like classical symphonies and people would still be like oh yes this is Ruff Majik you know what I mean?
Johni: Fantastic that's what we were aiming for you know we've been going in that direction for a while it didn't start out that way I guess because we were always kind of um Like when we just started, it was kind of garage doom and then it became more stoner in a while. You know, it just changed over time. But initially me and, um, Jimmy, the bass is when we, you know, when we create the band, we set out to just be, not to be weird, but to just do what we want. You know, I think we kind of, for a little while we got stuck in our own, um, heads about what we're supposed to be doing. We didn't experiment as much as we wanted to experiment. Now it feels like the floodgates are open again. We can just, you know, go ham and destroy. I don't know. Maybe we'll release like a Mr. Bungle album, who knows, but it might happen.
Brian: Yeah. It wouldn't surprise me anyway. In August this year you're embarking on a European tour playing festivals such as blue moon festival. I'm going to destroy the name of this one. Traffostation 61 festival and rifffields. Did I destroy it?
Johni: No, no, no. That all felt correct. That's how I would pronounce them as well. You know, I haven't had to pronounce them live yet.
Brian: You better start Googling how to do it. Last last time you were on, you told us about the shenanigans you had to pull to get your first European tour. What sort of stuff did you have to do to land this one?
Oh, no, nothing. So because of the last time we kind of, uh, we got connected with the guys from sound of liberation and they do really good bookings and stuff in Europe. Um, which is, you know, it's fantastic. Um, and they saw us just running around being crazy, you know, hustling, doing tours by train and lying about being on festival lineups and then getting those festival lineup and I think they just kind of went like, yeah, this is something we'll get behind this, this, there's a spirit to this that we like. So now they booked for us, you know, so it's exciting to be going over, but there's a less exciting element in the, I don't have to be shady and weird about things anymore. I kind of like that whole cloak and dagger routine that we had there for a while, but it is what it is. Luckily now we're just getting tours. We don't have to be as intensely weird about it, which is quite fun. And we haven't announced everything yet. We've got some things out that we've announced, like those three festivals. One show that we're doing with Acid King in the Netherlands. And, but there's a couple, there's a lot more coming, like, because we're both mostly going to be on the road for August. We just haven't announced yet because, you know, it didn't feel like the right time. I don't know why, you know, so some festivals announced earlier, some don't, eventually we'll just release the whole thing and actually we're going to be back in October as well. So we're doing August and October. Well, mid October, mid November around there. So we'll have like a month and a half gap back home and then we're over again. And hopefully in October, we'll be able to get our feet in the UK as well.
Brian: Oh man. That's, that's going to be great. I was just going to ask what countries are you planning on or hoping to hit?
Johni: I really want to get to the UK this year. It's definitely on our list to get to, but obviously we'll do all the, um, we'll do standards, um, that we have done before. So we'll do Netherlands, Germany, we'll do Poland, we'll do probably Austria. Most likely, it seems like this time around we'll be hitting Portugal and Spain, Italy as well. We've never done Spain or Italy, but we've been in Portugal before. Yeah, so there's going to be a couple. It also seems like this year will be the first time we are able to get to some of the Scandinavian countries, which I'm really excited for because we've never been that far up north. I have no idea what the crowds are like there, but I'm really keen to get into it.
Brian: I'd imagine wear something warm. The weather will be a bit of a shock.
Johni:That is true. Yeah, I don't think our South African constitutions are used to that type of cold, but we'll give it a shot, you know, we'll see what we can do.
Brian:Yeah, yeah. And the other one that I kind of found a bit weird was Poland. It's not exactly the top of the list when you're thinking of rock. music or rock concerts. What's it like over there?
Johni:You'd be surprised by man. We only ever did one show in Poland. It was absolutely crazy. We nearly died because of like straight up vodka poisoning, but we had a really good time and then we, um, you know, uh, we built up like, uh, say we'd built up like a small little fan base there that I think that come if we play a show, they'll pitch up. So that's kind of what we're banking on right now, but the show we played was really cool. Initially it was called Smoke Over Warsaw. Um, it was a very stoner rock, um, that type of festival. Uh, so they had guys like Mono Lord on there and whatnot and was, you know, it was heavy and it was really cool. Um, yeah. And that was absolutely smashing and it's going to be our first time back now since 2019. So we're really keen.
Brian: So the album has been released Friday, the tour starting in August. What does the time in between look like for the band? How do you prepare for going on the road for a month or two?
Johni: We've got a biggish show in Pretoria in South Africa before we head over and the rest of the time is literally being spent on making sure all the live versions of the songs are as tight and you know, powerful as they can possibly be. And then also, um, we're trying to standardize and make things easier for the travel, you know, make sure we, in terms of like traveling with pedals and all the kind of shit we need that we have the bare minimum, minimum that covers all of the sounds that we need to do. So it's basically a couple of months of prepping before we head over.
Brian: Bit of a silly question, but I can hear listeners asking us, what's one thing you always make sure you pack when you're going on tour?
Johni: That is a question I've heard before as well. And I've heard many answers to it. I'm not entirely sure. Um, what's my, you know, what my go-to is. I tried to pack enough socks. I think that's, that's like my big one because, um, shoes get mank on the road, you know? That's like the biggest one for me is make sure you've got enough clean socks, um, so you don't have to stink up the band with your feet. But I don't really know. I don't have anything specific, um, that I always think to bring along. It's mostly the socks, I guess. But if you ask anyone else in the band, they'll probably have some other opinions. I don't know. Sucks for me. I'm sorry. That's a horrible answer.
Brian: You're the practical one so.
Johni: It would seem so.
Biran: I suppose it's probably early days, but what's the set list going to look like for these shows? Is it just going to be like a play through of the album or are you going to throw some older hits in?
Johni:No, so the thing is, because of COVID, we never had a chance to tour the Devil's Cattle. So we're heading in with probably, we're looking at two to three, like, super sets what we're calling them. Sorry, my hair is looking like a fucking mushroom today. I think it's because of the wind. Usually it just hangs to the side, but now it's going like, I kind of look like, I don't know. Anyway, so Super sets, right? Which would be, each one would be a mixture of the Devil's Castle and Electric Ram with some old tunes mixed in from the other albums, but not so many. And then even some of the newer ones we're recording now to kind of go test them out live as well.
Brian: Jesus, you know what, there was even if like the take a prices are astronomical for that it's worth it. You'd actually pay anything just to see that you're getting some treat as a fan.
Johni: Yeah, so the thing is, though, I mean, not all sets are equally long. So some shows will that's what we're going to jump around between the sets we're going on tour with basically with 30 songs, you know, 30 song run through that we'll have for tour. So if you do the math on that, it's Electric Ram's 11 songs and then Devil's Cattle 13. So you're still left with six songs that might be old or might be new that we'll add in. But obviously they'll change per night. So if you're watching us tonight in one town and we're playing tomorrow night, the next town over, it won't be the same set, you know, unless somebody books us to play for two and a half hours, then you'll see all of the songs in one go.
Brian: Right. And any favorites of your own that you're looking forward to playing out live that you've picked already?
Johni: Yeah. There's a bunch of ones that obviously we've done Devil's Cattle to death in South Africa. So we're used to which ones slap over with that. So I mean, "Swine Tooth" hits really hard. "All You Need Is Speed" always and songs like "Jolly Roger" they also worked really well. Um, then from the new album, so far, the ones that hit the hardest life that we've been able to test out over here are, um, "She's Still A Goth" which is really fun and "Queen of the Gorgons". So they're always, you know, they're just an absolute treat to play live. We have not done "Delirium Tremors" live yet, and I'm really excited to see what the fuck's going to happen with that. I think it's going to be sick, but I have no idea. You know, I don't know how that's going to go over live.
Brain: You know it's funny. Even when I seen the name of that song, there's an Irish like kind of folk singer who has a song out with the same title, but it's completely different. You should actually go on Spotify and try find that you'll actually laugh at how different it is if someone looks up your song trying to find on Spotify and gets that one, I would actually piss myself laughing.
Johni: I'll go check it out. That sounds great. Is it like a folk song?
Brian: It's kind of like a folk-y sort of song. It's about 30 or 40 years old now, so there's no like cool guitar effects or anything on it. It's just a guy with an acoustic. His name is Christy Moore.
Johni: I'll go check it out. That sounds like it's, I'm gonna probably dig it. Yeah, yeah.
Brian: And any dream venues or locations that you hope to get on this tour that you haven't yet?
Johni:Nothing specifically coming to mind right now. We're hitting some cool venues that I've never hit before. Like we're doing FNR in Netherlands and that's kind of like a legendary one for us. So that's pretty sick. And we've done some of the ones we're doing like Fire American Munich and those kinds of places. We did them with previous tours and back then I was like, oh my God, we're playing at this place. I can't believe it. And then, you know, you play there and you're like, it's fantastic, but it's a venue. You know, the venues are, you know, it's the same. I guess we'd have to level up a bunch for me to be like, oh my God, we're playing at my own fucking whatever the next big surprise is gonna be. But I'm excited about all of them. It's just not anything particularly new at the moment that's hitting. Like I said, I want to get through to the UK. If I get there, there's a bunch of places I'd probably want to go try and hit. Just of where I've seen other bands but I guess it depends how it all pans out.
Brian: I'm sure you probably have a good few listeners in the UK already, do you?
Johni: Yeah, well according to all of our analytics and whatnot, that seems to be the case. But I don't know. It's always a gamble. You kind of have to go over and see. Oh, okay. Yeah, there we go.
Brian:True, true. And this next question, so I put it out to some of my regular listeners that I was having you back on and asked them was there any question that they wanted to ask you. One of the ones that was mentioned most, I don't think I asked you in the first episode, but they wanted to know what's with the obsession with animals on the album names.
Johni: Oh, well, that's interesting. Actually, it started off not as a plan, more as we needed something for our very first, like really badly recorded and badly played garage EP. We couldn't think of anything. And then at that point we were three members in the band and we're like, you know what would work well for imagery, not necessarily a name, just literally imagery is if we use the family crests of each band member, each of them had an animal in them and we were like, yeah, we use the animal from that and you know, and we'll have the bear, the fox, the swan, there we go. Great. Fantastic. Um, and we kind of started off with that. And then in my head, a little. Uh, switch flips and I started making this little narrative and this world behind it of the animals I guess, which I never share with people and I'm not going to now. What I'm saying is it didn't start as a plan, it just happened. And then we had those three, then we did Seasons which was split up into four EPs and each its own animal, but then when it came together, the album cover in itself was just, you know, seasons and the hands and that didn't go. And then Tarn was the only one that was not animal related at all. Uh, you know, it just had the tower on it, which was quite sick. Um, yeah. And then when that was done, I was like, now we should go back to animals now. And that's it. So now we're on the devil's castle and electric ram again.
Brian:Right, right. Any hints at what the next animal is going to be?
Johni: I'm not really sure. I think this is going to be up to debate. There's so many animals, you know, but I think it's also partially a thing where we had that a long time ago because we had the animal albums and whatnot. And then we'd be speaking to people in interviews of speaking to people overseas and they'd be like, yes, but what are you doing? You know, the lion or a rhino or whatever, just going into the standard South African animals. And I was like, fucking probably never now that you're expecting it. Yeah. I'm going to have to think of something real weird. So I don't know, maybe the next one's a platypus. I don't get it. It's going to be something. Yeah. Probably not a platypus, but maybe.
Brian: Something mundane like a hamster?
Johni: Yeah, why not? You know, it could work.
Brian: And before I let you jump off then, anything else about the album or the tours you want to add?
Johni: Just keen for people to hear it right now. And I guess keep an eye out for tour news because there is more coming. So if you see something close by, pull in, but other than that, you know, just, I hope people enjoy what they're listening to.
Brian: Brilliant. Brilliant. And I suppose the best place to find out about tickets and everything is on your socials?
Johni: Yeah. Socials. Most likely you're going to have to go through Instagram or Facebook. We're still trying to figure out how to do TikTok, but I guess we'll figure it out at some point. Um, but yeah, Facebook and Instagram, those are the places you'll find out about the stuff. And yeah, and Spotify as well will list, you know, in the artist page will list the dates as they come up and whatnot.
Brian: Perfect. And you also got your Facebook page back, didn't you?
Johni: We did. Yeah, finally. It was a long fight, but we got it back.
Brian: Brilliant. Brilliant. Well, Johnny, listen, thanks for coming on again and congratulations on an absolute banger of an album and hopefully, I mean it now, hopefully I'll be able to jump to one of the cities that you're playing.
Johni: That would be rad, it would be so cool to meet in person. But yeah, thanks for having me again, it's always fun to have a chat and yeah, hopefully soon we'll be able to do it over a beer.
Brian: Hey guys, I really hope you enjoyed this episode. If you did, please rate and review us on iTunes and Spotify. And if you're interested in signing up to Band Builder Academy, use the link in the show notes below and enter the code CONSERTS and you'll receive 10% off. So until next time, keep rockin'!
Brian:Hey! Hey, what are you guys still doing there? The show is over. It's over. You can go home. Go on. We'll see you next time. We'll be here.
Brian: Bye.

Ruff Majik
Hailing from Pretoria, South Africa, the band Ruff Majik is a violent mixture of heavy, fuzzy and freaky sounds. You'll find yourself listening to garage rock with a sludgy southern swagger and hints of stoner rock, grinding to a halt every now and then with soul crushing doom riffs, or hitting a pop opera crescendo - this band does whatever the fuck they want. Their live performance is an explosion that will leave you saying things like: "How'd he get up there?", "Well that's not safe!", "Did he just chug a beer whilst grinding a monitor and playing a bass solo?", "What did you say? I think I've gone deaf!"